Mission 1 - Save our seas

Our seas are in danger. Overfishing and pollution are causing mass extinction of our ocean species; our fish, sharks, turtles, dolphins, whales, seals and fragile coral environments. We need to all act now to save what we have left!
Your mission - Follow the clues in the book to find out where Hourig found the oil coated shell. Why was this disaster so damaging to the oceans and what could have prevented it happening in the first place? Find out what other human actions could be impacting on the health of our seas using the links below. How can you stop these happening?
Join one of the action groups listed below, or create your own local project! If you need help doing this, get in touch by email and we'll help you! If you have a great project which you need funding, visit our Fund your Mission page in the menu.
Links to ocean disasters
National Wildlife Federation
What is overfishing?
Links to groups saving our seas
Sea Shepherd - take action for seals, whales, dolphins, turtles, sharks, coral reefs and tuna!
Save our Seas - funding global research and education to save our seas
Video Links
No Deep Sea Oil Drilling
Your mission - Follow the clues in the book to find out where Hourig found the oil coated shell. Why was this disaster so damaging to the oceans and what could have prevented it happening in the first place? Find out what other human actions could be impacting on the health of our seas using the links below. How can you stop these happening?
Join one of the action groups listed below, or create your own local project! If you need help doing this, get in touch by email and we'll help you! If you have a great project which you need funding, visit our Fund your Mission page in the menu.
Links to ocean disasters
National Wildlife Federation
What is overfishing?
Links to groups saving our seas
Sea Shepherd - take action for seals, whales, dolphins, turtles, sharks, coral reefs and tuna!
Save our Seas - funding global research and education to save our seas
Video Links
No Deep Sea Oil Drilling
Photo credits
Title image: Trash Wave. Zak Noyle. Global Population Speakout
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Title image: Trash Wave. Zak Noyle. Global Population Speakout
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