Mission 5 - Overpopulation

Behind some of the biggest challenges we face today, is the serious issue of human overpopulation. As our population grows from 7 billion to 10 billion, so to grows our impact on the planet. As the worlds population increases so naturally does our requirement for increased resources.
Your mission - Tully, Luca and Thomas are all from one child families. Small families are good for our planet. Learn more about the issue of overpopulation from the links below, and then tell others about it. If you have a great project which you need funding, visit our Fund your Mission page in the menu.
Links to groups taking action on overpopulation
Why Populations Count - find out about the impacts of human overpopulation on our planets climate (plus some more great links!)
Population Matters - promoting population concern, family planning, environmental conservation and sustainable lifestyles. Patrons include David Attenborough and Jane Goodall.
Video Links
The Test Tube - David Suzuki
How many people can live on planet earth? BBC Series 1 narrated by David Attenborough
The 6th mass extinction - how our actions are impacting on all species
Bindy Urwin talks about why overpopulation threatens all other species
What's your number? How many people were on earth when you were born in comparison to todays 7.3 billion?
- More people need more food, water, space and fuel
- Create more pollution and waste.
Your mission - Tully, Luca and Thomas are all from one child families. Small families are good for our planet. Learn more about the issue of overpopulation from the links below, and then tell others about it. If you have a great project which you need funding, visit our Fund your Mission page in the menu.
Links to groups taking action on overpopulation
Why Populations Count - find out about the impacts of human overpopulation on our planets climate (plus some more great links!)
Population Matters - promoting population concern, family planning, environmental conservation and sustainable lifestyles. Patrons include David Attenborough and Jane Goodall.
Video Links
The Test Tube - David Suzuki
How many people can live on planet earth? BBC Series 1 narrated by David Attenborough
The 6th mass extinction - how our actions are impacting on all species
Bindy Urwin talks about why overpopulation threatens all other species
What's your number? How many people were on earth when you were born in comparison to todays 7.3 billion?

Links to over population impacts
Global Population Speakout - Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot (OVER) - a stunning photographic book which tells a visual story of how our increasing numbers are impacting on our planet. Join the campaign to spread the word! Raise awareness in your own community and tell us what you did - we have 2 copies of OVER to give away to the best awareness (most creative and effective) effort!
Global Population Speakout - Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot (OVER) - a stunning photographic book which tells a visual story of how our increasing numbers are impacting on our planet. Join the campaign to spread the word! Raise awareness in your own community and tell us what you did - we have 2 copies of OVER to give away to the best awareness (most creative and effective) effort!
Photo credits
Title image:
Thumbnail image: Dead Polar Bear. Ashley Cooper. Population Institute
Title image:
Thumbnail image: Dead Polar Bear. Ashley Cooper. Population Institute